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Please call the Building Inspector regarding any of the following:

  1. Building Permits for New Buildings, Structures and Other Facilities - Residential/Other Uses. Fees, Building Standards, Certificate of Occupancy, Penalties for Offenses, Heating Facilities.
  2. Certificates of Occupancy Residential Temporary Permanent Other Uses
  3. Demolition Permits
  4. Fire Prevention and Safety Inspections For Buildings containing more then two (2) dwelling units, For Nonresidential Buildings, Unsafe Buildings, Fire Prevention, Water, Sewers and Sewage Disposal.
  5. Floodplain Development Permits

Powers of the Building Inspector
The Building Inspector may exercise all of the powers relating to the administration and enforcement.

Bruce J. Yancewicz, Sr.
133 Clinton Street
Montgomery, NY 12549
(845) 457-9621

Office Hours:
Monday — Wednesday — Friday
9:00 AM - 1:00 PM

Voice Mail is checked regularly.  Please leave a message if the Building Inspector doesn’t answer.