Located in the beautiful Hudson Valley, the Village of Montgomery is a great place to live, raise a family, shop, and do business.

Village Board Meetings Streaming on YouTube!

We have an important update regarding our Village Board Meetings. Starting now, we will be streaming our meetings on our YouTube channel and NOT on Facebook anymore.

Switching to YouTube offers several benefits: it provides closed-captioning options for better accessibility, superior video and audio quality, efficient content management for organizing and archiving videos, and a wider reach due to YouTube’s popularity.

This update is designed to improve your viewing experience and keep you updated on our community’s progress.

Subscribe to our YouTube channel here:

Orange County is updating its hazard mitigation plan to ensure continued eligibility for federal grants that help protect our communities.

A hazard mitigation plan identifies potential risks, proposes solutions before a disaster strikes, reduces the need for emergency response, supports better decision-making, and promotes data sharing between
governments and academic institutions.

It also makes the county eligible for FEMA mitigation funding and can be integrated into other local planning efforts.


We are inviting residents and stakeholders to provide feedback that will help shape the future of our community’s disaster resilience. Your insights are essential in developing a plan that reflects the needs and priorities
of Orange County.

The survey will take approximately 15 minutes, and your responses will remain confidential.


Great Race visits Village of Montgomery